Ryan Gable
Montgomery County Constable Precinct 3
I started as your constable on August 3, 2012 and have been hard at work protecting our community and the citizen’s of Montgomery County Precinct 3. I would like to share that I am very proud to be able to work for you and appreciate the trust and faith you all have placed in me to get the job done.
Since taking office, my staff and I have worked hard to make this constable’s office an example to law enforcement agencies around the State. This is our continued goal. We are working 24/7 in the precinct and offer a full service police agency, with an emphasis on community based policing. I feel it is very important that my department is open to you all and that we get an opportunity to meet everyone individually.
Some of our daily responsibilities include bailiff of the Justice of the Peace Precinct 3 court, serving of civil process and writs, patrolling the streets of Precinct 3 and investigating all aspects of criminal activity. As your constable, I am passionate about keeping our children safe. I have initiated a division to target on-line child predators, suspects sharing and trafficking child pornography, and suspects that try to reach out and meet our children. We take these matters seriously and want you to know that we are working hard for the safety of our children.
Please know that we welcome the opportunity to meet everyone, so stop by our office to say hello or let us know how we can better serve you. Again, thank you for allowing me to serve this great community we live in.
– Ryan Gable, Montgomery County Constable Precinct 3